Pokemon Rising Ruby/Sinking Sapphire Evolution Changes - Guidetonote.com (2025)

by guidetonote

Evolution Changes Modifications to Pokémon Evolution Methods
This document covers any changes made to the way a Pokémon evolves. The Pokémon
modified can be split into two distinct sections.

Any Pokémon with a trade evolution has been modified so that they no longer need
to be traded to evolve. There are three distinct subtypes of this evolution:

– Pokémon that needed to be traded with an item can now use that item like an
evolution stone. Evolution items can be found in Slateport Market and Lilycove
Department Store, with some exceptions like the Prism Scale (found on Corsola).

– Pokémon that need a trade with no additional requirements now have a particular
level at which they evolve. However, they can also evolve by happiness, keeping
the ‘any level’ evolution they had before. It depends which one you reach first!

– Pokémon that need to be traded with another Pokémon to evolve are now able to
evolve by having that other Pokémon in the party and levelling up. It doesn’t
make a whole lot of sense, but it’s the best we’ve got!

Please note that these new evolution methods are in addition to the trading way,
meaning that trading the Pokémon will still evolve it as before.

The other type of evolution change is a Pokémon evolution level reduction, as a
lot of Pokémon have an evolution level that’s too high to keep up with the pace
of the game. The majority of Pokémon affected by this change are from Unova where
the evolution levels were incredibly high, but levels have also been reduced for
Pokémon from the other regions that are caught fairly early but still have an
evolution level hovering around 40. Zweilous still holds the title of having the
latest evolution, but now evolves at 59 instead of 64 before. All new numbers and
the amount subtracted from the old number are listed below.

A version of the evolution GARC is available without evolution level reductions
is available if preferred. However, level up moves for Pokémon affected by this
have been modified to assume that they evolve at the levels listed here.
Files mentioned in this document
a/1/9/2 Pokémon Evolution Methods

Trade Evolutions

Unevolved Evolved New Evolution Methods

064 Kadabra Alakazam Level up with 220+ friendship value or at Lv. 36.
067 Machoke Machamp Level up with 220+ friendship value or at Lv. 39.
075 Graveler Golem Level up with 220+ friendship value or at Lv. 36.
094 Haunter Gengar Level up with 220+ friendship value or at Lv. 36.
525 Boldore Gigalith Level up with 220+ friendship value or at Lv. 36.
533 Gurdurr Conkeldurr Level up with 220+ friendship value or at Lv. 36.
708 Phantump Trevenant Level up with 220+ friendship value or at Lv. 23.
710 Pumpkaboo Gourgeist Level up with 220+ friendship value or at Lv. 23.
Trade with Item Evolutions

Unevolved Evolved New Evolution Methods Evolution Item Location

061 Poliwhirl Politoed Use a King’s Rock. Slateport Market
079 Slowpoke Slowking Use a King’s Rock. Slateport Market
095 Onix Steelix Use a Metal Coat. Slateport Market
112 Rhydon Rhyperior Use a Protector. Lilycove Department Store
117 Seadra Kingdra Use a Dragon Scale. Slateport Market
123 Scyther Scizor Use a Metal Coat. Slateport Market
125 Electabuzz Electivire Use an Electirizer. Lilycove Department Store
126 Magmar Magmortar Use a Magmarizer. Lilycove Department Store
137 Porygon Porygon2 Use an Up-Grade. Slateport Market
233 Porygon2 Porygon-Z Use a Dubious Disc. Lilycove Department Store
349 Feebas Milotic Use a Prism Scale. Wild Corsola (50%)
356 Dusclops Dusknoir Use a Reaper Cloth. Lilycove Department Store
366 Clamperl Huntail Use a Deep Sea Tooth. Slateport Market
366 Clamperl Gorebyss Use a Deep Sea Scale. Slateport Market
Trade with Pokémon Evolutions

Unevolved Evolved New Evolution Methods

588 Karrablast Escavalier Level up with a Shelmet in the party.
616 Shelmet Accelgor Level up with a Karrablast in the party.

Level Adjustments

Unevolved Evolved Old New Diff

077 Ponyta Rapidash Lv. 40 Lv. 37 – 3
079 Slowpoke Slowbro Lv. 37 Lv. 33 – 4
088 Grimer Muk Lv. 38 Lv. 35 – 3
110 Koffing Weezing Lv. 35 Lv. 33 – 2
111 Rhyhorn Rhydon Lv. 42 Lv. 39 – 3
138 Omanyte Omastar Lv. 40 Lv. 37 – 3
140 Kabuto Kabutops Lv. 40 Lv. 37 – 3
217 Slugma Magcargo Lv. 38 Lv. 33 – 5
307 Meditite Medicham Lv. 37 Lv. 35 – 2
320 Wailmer Wailord Lv. 40 Lv. 37 – 3
333 Swablu Altaria Lv. 35 Lv. 33 – 2
345 Lileep Cradily Lv. 40 Lv. 37 – 3
347 Anorith Armaldo Lv. 40 Lv. 37 – 3
353 Shuppet Banette Lv. 37 Lv. 34 – 3
355 Duskull Dusclops Lv. 37 Lv. 34 – 3
361 Snorunt Glalie Lv. 42 Lv. 39 – 3
431 Glameow Purugly Lv. 38 Lv. 33 – 5
451 Skorupi Drapion Lv. 40 Lv. 37 – 3
453 Croagunk Toxicroak Lv. 37 Lv. 35 – 2
559 Scraggy Scrafty Lv. 39 Lv. 34 – 5
568 Trubbish Garbodor Lv. 36 Lv. 34 – 2
574 Gothita Gothorita Lv. 32 Lv. 26 – 6
575 Gothorita Gothitelle Lv. 41 Lv. 39 – 2
577 Solosis Duosion Lv. 32 Lv. 26 – 6
578 Duosion Reuniclus Lv. 41 Lv. 39 – 2
582 Vanillite Vanillish Lv. 35 Lv. 33 – 2
583 Vanillish Vanilluxe Lv. 47 Lv. 44 – 3
580 Ducklett Swanna Lv. 35 Lv. 33 – 2
590 Foongus Amoonguss Lv. 40 Lv. 37 – 3
592 Frillish Jellicent Lv. 40 Lv. 37 – 3
595 Joltik Galvantula Lv. 36 Lv. 33 – 3
597 Ferroseed Ferrothorn Lv. 40 Lv. 37 – 3
599 Klink Klang Lv. 38 Lv. 33 – 5
600 Klang Klinklang Lv. 49 Lv. 44 – 5
602 Tynamo Eelektrik Lv. 39 Lv. 34 – 5
605 Elgyem Beheeyem Lv. 42 Lv. 39 – 3
607 Litwick Lampent Lv. 41 Lv. 34 – 7
610 Axew Fraxure Lv. 42 Lv. 32 – 10
619 Mienfoo Mienshao Lv. 50 Lv. 36 – 14
622 Golett Golurk Lv. 43 Lv. 39 – 4
624 Pawniard Bisharp Lv. 52 Lv. 37 – 15
627 Rufflet Braviary Lv. 54 Lv. 39 – 15
629 Vullaby Mandibuzz Lv. 54 Lv. 39 – 15
633 Deino Zweilous Lv. 50 Lv. 39 – 11
634 Zweilous Hydreigon Lv. 64 Lv. 59 – 5
636 Larvesta Volcarona Lv. 59 Lv. 50 – 9
667 Litleo Pyroar Lv. 35 Lv. 33 – 2
688 Binacle Barbaracle Lv. 39 Lv. 34 – 5
690 Skrelp Dragalge Lv. 48 Lv. 35 – 13
692 Clauncher Clawitzer Lv. 37 Lv. 33 – 4
714 Noibat Noivern Lv. 48 Lv. 44 – 4

Pokemon Rising Ruby/Sinking Sapphire Evolution Changes - Guidetonote.com (2025)
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